Intellectual property law

Intellectual property law combines legal provisions concerning intangible or intellectual works, as well as rights related to them, and the means of protecting these rights. Intellectual property law is divided into two branches: copyright law and industrial property law, which includes trademark law, patent law, copyright, etc. Due to the complexity and continuous development of intellectual property law, it seems often necessary to seek the help of a spesialized lawyer. Intellectual property rights occupy an important place in economic life and concern a wide range of industries - from the music, art and visual industries, through IT industries, technological start-ups to heavy industry.
Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Tomasz Wit Szeląg provides professional legal assistance in the field of copyright law,  press law and industrial property law.

Our services in the field of intellectual property law:

preparing, analyzing, negotiating and advising on copyright and property rights agreements (e.g. license and sub-license agreements, agreeements for the transfer of copyrights, etc.);
drafting contractual clauses regarding copyright;
advising and representing clients in the protection of their copyrights against infringements (e.g. cases for cessation of infringement, removal of the effects of infringement of personal copyright, for image protection, compensation for damage caused by infringement of proprietary copyrights, etc.);
comprehensive legal advice, legal analyzes and legal opinions in the field of copyright and subsidiary rights as well as in the field of industrial property rights;
protection of registered and well-known trademarks;
legal advice in the field of press law, including drafting actions for the publication of a correction;
representation of clients in proceedings before common courts of all instances in Poland and before the Supreme Court of Poland regarding intellectual property law proceedings.

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