Polish commercial law

Polish commercial law is a set of normative acts regulating the legal status of entrepreneurs and the principles of conducting business activity by them. Due to the fact that commercial law in Poland includes a wide range of polish laws and EU regulations, when running a business, it is difficult to avoid various legal issues that the entrepreneur must solve or with which he must be familiar with in order to conduct his business in Poland.
In the field of commercial law in Poland, the provisions of the polish Civil Code, the polish Code of Commercial Companies and the polish Law of Entrepreneurs are, in a way, the foundation of this branch of law, however, each economic activity also has its own regulations, specific to each industry, which should be taken into account by the entrepreneur. Due to the rapidly changing economic conditions, it is necessary to constantly monitor legal changes, as well as changes in judicial decisions, which are often of great importance in the practical application of the law or specific business solutions or running a company.
Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Tomasz Wit Szeląg supports business entities operating in Poland from the moment of starting their activity until its completion. We advise on starting a business in Poland (choosing the form of business, registration, preparing a contract or statute of the company), changing or modifying the legal form and ongoing business, in particular in the field of contracts and legal analyzes aimed at legal optimization of the company.

Our services in the field of commercial law in Poland:

comprehensive legal advice in the field of Polish and European commercial law;
preparation, analysis and negotiation of commercial contracts;
 comprehensive legal advice in running a business in Poland;
 preparation of pleadings in the field of commercial and civil law in Poland;
comprehensive service for business entities in their day-to-day operations in Poland;
∠ registration of business entities in Poland;
∠ advice on organizational transformations of entities (merger, division, change of legal form);
∠ representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings before common courts of all instances in Poland and before the polish Supreme Court of Poland (Sąd Najwyższy);
representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings before administrative authorities in Poland, administrative courts in Poland and the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland (Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny).

If you have any questions about our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

contact@lawyerpoland.pl | +48 797 575 366