Polish administrative law

Administrative law is a branch of law regulating the organization of public administration (the so-called systemic administrative law), containing norms defining the rights and obligations of recipients of norms - administrative bodies and entities external to it (the so-called substantive administrative law), as well as specifying procedures, rules, form the manner and sequence of actions or actions taken by administrative bodies to implement administrative law or the competences assigned to them (the so-called procedural administrative law).
Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Tomasz Wit Szeląg provides legal services in the field of broadly understood polish administrative law and in the field of administrative court proceedings in Poland, which controls the correctness of the conduct of administrative bodies in the scope specified by provisions, including the correctness of decisions issued, decisions issued in administrative proceedings or in administrative enforcement proceedings , written tax interpretations or acts of local law issued by local government units and local government administration bodies.

Our services in the field of polish administrative law:

Preparation and submission of pleadings in administrative and court proceedings in Poland, such as:
∠ an appeal against an administrative decision and a complaint against decisions issued in the course of administrative proceedings;
∠ an application for annulment of an administrative decision;
an application for the resumption of administrative proceedings;
a complaint to the Voivodship (Provincial) Administrative Court of Poland (Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny);
∠ a cassation appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court  of Poland (Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny).
In addition, we also provide services in the field of:
∠ legal advice in the field of polish substantive administrative law and polish administrative procedure;
∠ representation of clients in administrative and court-administrative proceedings in Poland;
 assistance and advice in obtaining the required permits and licenses to conduct business activity in Poland;
assistance in determining building conditions and land development and obtaining a building permit in Poland;
preparation of applications and comments to draft local spatial development plans;
making necessart notifications required by polish administrative law on behalf of the Client.

If you have any questions about our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

contact@lawyerpoland.pl | +48 797 575 366